MSN article: "Wacky Kid Snacks from around the World"
jmcquown wrote:
> When I lived in Bangkok as a kid I *loved* dried squid! Except this
> wasn't sweet. Just salty. It was similar to beef jerky except more
> thinly sliced. Salty. NOT marinated. I also loved salted dried
> watermelon seeds. I'd buy these snacks from a "noodle cart" vendor who
> stopped in front of our house after school.
> Jill
My daughter and I also enjoy raw squid. I recently saw, and presumably
saved, a salad recipe that included it. Therefore I was looking for
some a couple of nights ago but instead found that the pan-Asian store
near here seems not to carry it anymore. Oh well, I have to go to
another store within the nest few days, and I am sure I will find it
there. (The customers are mostly Japanese and Korean.)