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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On Mon, 13 Jul 2015 10:47:58 -0600, Janet B >

> On Mon, 13 Jul 2015 06:48:11 -0700, sf > wrote:
> >O

> snip
> I will say I hate chickpeas/garbanzos/cici beans
> >unconditionally when they are whole and I can say that because I've
> >eaten them both canned and reconstituted dry.

> That was my feeling too. Until yesterday. I ate some drained and
> rinsed, right out of the can. They are really very decent.

Maybe they're processing them differently now, I'll give them another
try sometime. Hubby loves them, so he would be happy if I started
putting them in salads etc.

> I don't
> get hummus. I think it would be really good without the tahini. The
> tahini tastes metallic to me and ruins the humus.

I like tahini. I don't get a metallic flavor from it but I've never
tried what is sold in jars. I like grocery store hummus, so I'd
probably like the jarred stuff too. Do you like sesame seeds?

