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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 2015-07-13 12:47 PM, Janet B wrote:

> I will say I hate chickpeas/garbanzos/cici beans
>> unconditionally when they are whole and I can say that because I've
>> eaten them both canned and reconstituted dry.


They were a foreign food to me for a long time, but then I discovered
then at salad bars. A salad light on lettuce with some tomato,
cucumber, onion, chick peas and croutons with bacon bits and blue cheese
dressing is really good.... IMO.

> That was my feeling too. Until yesterday. I ate some drained and
> rinsed, right out of the can. They are really very decent. I don't
> get hummus. I think it would be really good without the tahini. The
> tahini tastes metallic to me and ruins the humus.

I tried hummus a number of times and never saw the attraction. I once
had a sample in the grocery store and thought they would be wise not to
let people sample it because they would be better off if people just
bought it once and never got it again rather than trying it and not
buying it at all. Then I had hummus as a middle eastern restaurant and
I was wowed by the hummus. I started making my own. It is really easy
to make and you can adjust it to your taste. FWIW... the tahini is an
important component.