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Janet B Janet B is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On Mon, 13 Jul 2015 15:41:40 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2015-07-13 12:47 PM, Janet B wrote:
>> I will say I hate chickpeas/garbanzos/cici beans
>>> unconditionally when they are whole and I can say that because I've
>>> eaten them both canned and reconstituted dry.


>They were a foreign food to me for a long time, but then I discovered
>then at salad bars. A salad light on lettuce with some tomato,
>cucumber, onion, chick peas and croutons with bacon bits and blue cheese
>dressing is really good.... IMO.
>> That was my feeling too. Until yesterday. I ate some drained and
>> rinsed, right out of the can. They are really very decent. I don't
>> get hummus. I think it would be really good without the tahini. The
>> tahini tastes metallic to me and ruins the humus.

>I tried hummus a number of times and never saw the attraction. I once
>had a sample in the grocery store and thought they would be wise not to
>let people sample it because they would be better off if people just
>bought it once and never got it again rather than trying it and not
>buying it at all. Then I had hummus as a middle eastern restaurant and
>I was wowed by the hummus. I started making my own. It is really easy
>to make and you can adjust it to your taste. FWIW... the tahini is an
>important component.

Yeah, I get the importance of tahini. What is it that you liked about
the restaurant hummus and your hummus? What do you do to make it
Janet US