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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 2015-07-13, > wrote:

> Canned soups are an abomination, either on their own or added to
> anything

Not entirely correct.

While I agree almost all canned soups are inedible, Juanita's Mexican
soup line is the exception. Very tasty and no carrageenan thickeners.
Problem is finding the right soup. Almost every sprmkt in US carries
Juanita's Menudo, but who likes tripe if you weren't raised on it.

My fave is their purple label Pozole (pork, red chiles), which is all
but impossible to find in anything but a real Mexican mkt. It's so
good, I fooled my late Mexican step-mother into believing it was my
own personal recipe. (It was better than her homemade!)

Our Safeway carries the ubiquitous J's menudo and hominy. They even
stock J's Pozole de Pollo, which is a chicken based wht pozole.
Unfortunately, they never stock J's pork pozole (purple label),
despite my repeated requests. I occassionally buy the chicken pozole
and add New Mexico chile pwdr.
