On Mon, 13 Jul 2015 13:37:37 -0600, Janet B >
>I've fired up the smoker to do some country-style pork ribs. The
>seasoning is just the basic BBQ rub. I will sauce them near the end
>of cooking. We'll also have parsley buttered new potatoes, sour cream
>cucumbers and peach pie.
Sour cream cucumbers... I like the sound of that, do you have a
particular recipe for that?
>I've poured a bottle of San Miguel (beer) into the liquid container in
>the smoker. I've got to use the stuff up. Our neighbor sees my
>husband working outside and brings him a 6-pack of San Miguel. Says
>he needs it after all that work
It's a nice thought. But we don't
>really ever drink beer so I have a case of SM. I prefer to use a hard
>apple cider, but, what the heck.
Never thought of trying beer or cider in the smoker, interesting.