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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> On 2015-07-13 3:00 PM, wrote:
>> I hate canned soup, any canned soup. I make home-made soup even
>> though there is only me and then freeze it in single portions.
>> Quickest lunch going.

> As I said in another post, after being raised on canned soup I just wasn't
> a fan of soup. My mother was a really good cook at most things, but soup
> was not one of them. Later in in life I discovered restaurant made soup
> and I was much more impressed with it. I later learned to make soup and
> the soup I make is pretty good. It is almost enough to make me overcome
> the slight aversion.

I don't know why but my mom felt that feeding us canned soup for lunch was a
good thing to do. She doesn't even like most soups herself and didn't make
a lot of it from scratch. She did do a ham and bean and a potato soup that
was little more than potato chunks in milk. Ick! I did like some of the
canned soups. Bean with bacon and the various vegetable ones were my
favorite. I loved the pea soup you mentioned but it's not commonly
available here. K Mart used to get it in for special sales and only then
could I get it. But it still cost a lot more than some of the Campbell's
soups so I didn't have it often.