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Janet B Janet B is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On Mon, 13 Jul 2015 13:38:24 -0700, sf > wrote:

>On Mon, 13 Jul 2015 14:16:19 -0600, Janet B >
>> On Mon, 13 Jul 2015 12:36:12 -0700, sf > wrote:
>> >On Mon, 13 Jul 2015 10:47:58 -0600, Janet B >
>> >wrote:
>> >
>> >> On Mon, 13 Jul 2015 06:48:11 -0700, sf > wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >O
>> >> snip
>> >> I will say I hate chickpeas/garbanzos/cici beans
>> >> >unconditionally when they are whole and I can say that because I've
>> >> >eaten them both canned and reconstituted dry.
>> >>
>> >> That was my feeling too. Until yesterday. I ate some drained and
>> >> rinsed, right out of the can. They are really very decent.
>> >
>> >Maybe they're processing them differently now, I'll give them another
>> >try sometime. Hubby loves them, so he would be happy if I started
>> >putting them in salads etc.
>> >
>> >> I don't
>> >> get hummus. I think it would be really good without the tahini. The
>> >> tahini tastes metallic to me and ruins the humus.
>> >
>> >I like tahini. I don't get a metallic flavor from it but I've never
>> >tried what is sold in jars. I like grocery store hummus, so I'd
>> >probably like the jarred stuff too. Do you like sesame seeds?

>> I like sesame seeds and use them frequently. Grocery store hummus?
>> What is that compared to jarred stuff?

>The grocery store hummus I buy is in the refrigerated section, brands
>like Sabra and Trader Joe's. I was talking about tahini, doesn't it
>come in jars on just on the shelves? I've only used fresh, that I
>scoop out and buy by the ounce from the refrigerated case at a co-op.


O.k., I've never seen tahini in the refrigerated case at my Co-op.
I'll look for it. Thanks
Janet US