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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

jmcquown wrote:
> On 7/13/2015 4:59 PM, notbob wrote:
>> While I agree almost all canned soups are inedible, Juanita's Mexican
>> soup line is the exception. Very tasty and no carrageenan thickeners.
>> Problem is finding the right soup. Almost every sprmkt in US carries
>> Juanita's Menudo, but who likes tripe if you weren't raised on it.

> I do! I can't find Juanita's canned Menudo at the grocery store
> anymore, not even in the "Mexican" section. I'd try making it from
> scratch except I can't find tripe, either.
> Jill

That's sad. I was just eying a can of menudo in my pantry and telling
myself that I should consume it ere the can bursts. (The current can
isn't that old and looks fine, but I did once have a can of Juanita's
Menudo explode in my pantry.)

I also wasn't raised on tripe. Mom was an adventurous cook, but I don't
recall her cooking that. On rare occasions, I encountered an iota of it
in Campbell's pepperpot soup, but that was it. I rather like tripe and
have been known to cook it. I also order it at some Chinese restaurants
(as part of fu qi fei pian) and love encountering it or its relatives in
pho or in a Korean stew.