Hungary and Paprika
On 2015-07-14 02:42:15 +0000, Jean B. said:
> Sqwertz wrote:
>> Correction: I will have them all except for China.
>> Amazon Order Number: 110-8513372-1234567
>> Culinaria: The United States - A Culinary Discovery
>> will be shipped to Steve Wertz by Preston Village Book Company.
>> Estimated delivery: July 17, 2015 - Aug. 3, 2015
>> -sw
> Aha! Did you look at it before ordering it? Do give a report on it.
> I am VERY picky about the books that I deign to buy/shelve when it
> comes to US cookery or to regional, state, etc. cookery.
> Back to China, so to speak, I rearranged my Asian cookbooks a month or
> so ago and BARELY managed to not expand to the shelves around the
> corner. And that was because it put many of the really huge books on
> top of the bookshelves. Thoughts of shelving MIGHT deter me a bit
> longer from thoughts of buying that Chinese volume.
So what's your recommended tome on Vietnamese food?