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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 2015-07-13, Nancy Young <replyto@inemail> wrote:

> It's hard for me to understand how people can hate garbanzos, but
> there you go. Something about them puts you off.

I hated 'em, at first. Knudsen usta make a 4 bean salad w/ garbanzos.
Loved the salad, but the mealy texture of garbo's put me off. I later
learned falafels and hummus, which I love, are pretty much all
garbanzos, so I hung in there until I could accept garbo's weird
texture. Now, I love 'em. I've even eaten a whole can --plain-- of
Kuner's Garbanzo Beans. Pretty tasty.

I think the change was from a recipe I've since lost. It was a simple
recipe favored by Buddist monks for garbanzos n' pork cubes inna curry
sauce. Now, one of my fave garbo's recipes is for a Moroccan tagine,
which is also a garbo bean curry, but is quite spicy. Obviously, I
prefer a pork version:
