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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 2015-07-14 10:06 AM, wrote:

>>> Amen! I am not denigrating anyone here, but I get so disappointed when I
>>> read a US recipe and so often I find condensed soup as an ingredient I am
>>> sure there must be many recipes without, but I mostly seem to find the ones
>>> that do

>> Where are you finding those recipes? I subscribe to well over 100
>> food blogs and I simply don't see current recipes that call for canned
>> soup.

> I've even seen them mentioned here lol

Canned soup as an ingredient on a lot of recipes back in the casserole
days of the early 60s. I still see the occasional recipe that calls for
a can of soup but I usually pass them buy. FWIW... my brother told me
about one that a co-worker gave him and he raved about it. The canned
soup as an ingredient turned me off trying it. Then there is the famous
American holiday green beans with mushroom soup and canned onions. I
have to say that when my mother had me assemble it for her for a
Christmas dinner it was delicious.