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Becca EmaNymton Becca EmaNymton is offline
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Posts: 536
Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 7/14/2015 10:56 AM, notbob wrote:
> On 2015-07-14, > wrote:
>> Now there's an idea - post your minestrone recipe and I will make a
>> batch of that, nice for summer. Please/thanks

> Can do!
> Note that minestrone means "spring vegetables" or some such nonsense.
> So, this means you can sub in any veggie you like. I sometimes add
> cabbage, but always gotta have carrots n' onions. Seems I left
> something outta the recipe, but can't recall what it is, now.
> *************
> notbob's Monster Minestrone
> 5-6 med carrots
> 2 med yel onion (or 1 lrg wht)
> 5-6 clv garlic
> 2 ozs olive oil
> 1 can diced tomato
> 5-6 C beef stock
> 2/3 C red wine
> 6-8 ozs proscuitto
> 1 can cannelloni or white beans (w/ juice)
> 3 zuchs (qrtr lngthwz, then chop bitesize)
> 2 bay leaves
> 1 T thyme
> fresh basil (opt)
> 1 handfull small elbo macaroni
> S&P (opt)
> Peel and chop carrots to no larger than spoon size. Diagonal cut
> looks nice. Course chop onions. Dice garlic. In OO, saute carrots,
> onions, garlic till onions translucent.
> Add stock, can of tomatoes, wine, proscuitto, thyme and bayleaf. Mash
> half the can of beans. Do not drain liquid. That's perfectly good
> bean juice!
> Let simmer 15 mins or until carrots are about half done. Add zuchs.
> When zuchs almost done (15-30 mins), add macaroni or other pasta you
> may prefer. When pasta tender, it should be done.
> NOTES: Naturally, you can use any beef stock combo you prefer, but it
> must be beef. Chicken stock sucks. Veggie if you prefer, but then
> it's not notbob's minestrone, is it!? I use one can of stock plus 4 C
> water and T of Better'n Bullion. Note, it must be carrot heavy. More
> carrots can't hurt. Only one taboo. NO celery!! Also, I discovered
> years ago that it should have some proscuitto. Even cheapo US brand.
> Learned that little trick at an very old Italian deli. I've since
> discovered hard Italian salami will sub for the proscuitto. Makes all
> the difference. Fresh basil is always better, but I can't always get
> it in Winter. Not using it will not hurt this zuppa. No parsley,
> sage, rosemary, Ital seasoning, etc. This is not a Simon and
> Garfunkle song! A good red wine like chianti or zin, preferably, but
> any good red will do. If whole thyme, rub between hands into pot.
> Doneness is always determined by the tenderness of the carrots and
> zukes. Skim while sim. Add water as needed.
> Makes about 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 qts.
> Top with parmesan cheese and serve with red wine and buttered SF
> sourdough bread. Donate all remaining cans of Progresso Minestrone to
> those less fortunate!
> *************
> Enjoy. =D
> nb

Thanks for the recipe. I love carrots and the recipe says, "must be
carrot heavy", but too many carrots can make the broth taste overly
sweet. My question is, does that happen using this recipe? Thanks again.
