nb's minestrone recipe
On 7/15/2015 12:17 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> Acme Bully Control wrote:
>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>> sf wrote:
>>>> Troll Disposal Service wrote:
>>>>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>>>>> Like.. OMG! Feels like I'm reading a 5th grade girl's writing.
>>>>> ...dump!
>>>> He acts like a catty little girl.
>>> Love the irony, babe!
>> WE DESPISE your misogyny, you scum-eating vermin!
> We?
Yes, "we".
> Yoose seem perturbed that Sqwertz adamantly refuses to
> slide his dwarf ministroni into your lady parts...
Your projection is oddly appalling.
> perhaps if you
> treated him more sweetly... offer him a charlotte russe.
I'd offer him an anchor chain and a deep blue sea.