On Saturday, July 18, 2015 at 11:40:04 AM UTC-5, barbie gee wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Jul 2015, Cheri wrote:
> >
> > "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> > ...
> >>
> >> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> >> ...
> >>> On 2015-07-17 5:52 PM, wrote:
> >>>> I am curious to see how many people on RFC have food
> >>>> allergies/intolerances. I am highly allergic to dairy and egg. When I
> >>>> say highly allergic I mean anaphylactic - not a good thing! So, fire
> >>>> away!
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I am lactose intolerant. I had some issues with a number of foods,
> >>> especially those high in acids. Then I had my gall bladder removed and I
> >>> can eat most of those.... but not lactose.
> >>
> >> Just curious. Were you told to follow a special diet after having the
> >> gallbladder removed? I ask because my friend is having more stomach pain
> >> now than she was before it was removed, 6 weeks ago. She was only told to
> >> avoid fried foods. My dad was on a strict, special diet but he also had
> >> pancreas issues.
> >
> > I have a couple of friends that had their gallbladders removed, and they eat
> > everything fried or not with no problems, but another one has problems with
> > some foods, so I imagine it depends on the person and other issues as you
> > say.
> Science says that the gallbladder produces bile. Bile is what helps us
> digest fat (this is a highly oversimplified, but adequate for this
> discussion, explanation). So, if you're not producing bile, fatty foods
> may cause you GI problems as they're moving through you "undigested".
The gallbladder does NOT produce bile. The liver does. The gallbladder
merely stores bile, and releases it in response to eating fats.