Seriously too hot for cooking!
We hit 100 here today. We never see that number this early on. Once in a
blue moon it might get close to that in Aug. but never now. My mom said she
heard someone saying that we are going to wind up with weather like San
Diego. If that is true, something has to change.
Got my hair cut the other day. Hairdresser has a shop at the side of her
unACed home. It's a newer home and quite fancy looking. She does have AC
in the shop and she has used it. But not that day. Client before her was
practically begging her to turn it on and she would not. Had my hair not
seriously needed a bang trim, I would have just left. It was miserable.
Today I saw people asking on Facebook if there were any churches with AC.
They got no response.
And I have come to realize that what I saw on a Food Truck show is true.
Owner said that there was no need for a bathroom. He sweated so much in
there that nothing came out the other end. Rather sickened me to hear it
but... I am making far less trips to the bathroom than usual and battling
dehydration something fierce. Only now do I not feel sick and headachy
because I *finally* got the new swamp cooler working. Apparently I had
overfilled it but there is no way to tell how much water is actually in
there. I am now just erring on the less side. This one won't get damaged
if the water runs out. It just won't cool. I blasted about a gallon of
water out of the beast in 3 hours last night and only managed to raise the
humidity to 43%.
Anyhoo... I am now resorting to Amazon Fresh for most of my food. Free
delivery for Prime until Sept. and saves me from having to go out in the
heat. Had to go out today and the heat was taxing my car's AC so much that
it didn't finally get cold until I got back home! And the stores that do
have AC don't necessarily have good units. I have been in stores that had
beastly hot spots in them on hot days.
Got 6 pounds of pot roast around 5:00 a.m. this morning, along with some
carrots, onions and a few other things that I needed. I actually used some
onions that I already had for the roast so I could prep them first. Put it
all in the Crockpot and it was ready by dinner time. One hour on high, 10
on low, 2 on "keep warm". I thickened the gravy a bit and have margarined,
whole wheat noodles with parsley on the side. I did get a small container
of prepared mashed potatoes from a restaurant from Amazon Fresh for my
husband because he likes potatoes with his roast and I can't eat them.
Normally I wouldn't want hot food in weather this hot but I haven't had pot
roast in a very long time and this is excellent! Only seasonings were salt,
pepper and parsley. Normally I would put in a bay leaf but I forgot. It's
still very good. Oh the onion is a seasoning as well, I guess. And I added
a little beef stock.