"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> On 2015-07-20 12:22 AM, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>> "taxed and spent" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Paul M. Cook" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On 7/19/2015 3:58 PM, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>>>>> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> On 7/18/2015 2:11 PM, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>>>>>>> A deli would sell by the piece. They also sell cold cuts by the
>>>>>>>> slice.
>>>>>>>> You
>>>>>>>> probably cost that poor kid her job. Congrats.
>>>>>>> By the slice? Never saw such a thing. You mean like ham is 12 cents
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> slice, turkey is 10 cents?
>>>>>> Never heard of a of a scale, did you, Einstein?
>>>>> You said they sell it by the slice. If they use a scale, they are
>>>>> selling it by the pound. Learn the difference before you make snide
>>>>> remarks.
>>>> me: I will have 4 slices of the mortadella.
>>>> worker: Slices 4 cuts. Places it on the scale, dials the number for
>>>> mortadella. That will be 1.23 cents.
>>>> me: Thank you
>>> did you let her keep the rest of the two cents?
>> 1.23 cents is a perfectly acceptable way to say 1 dollar and 23 cents
>> because it is understood we are talking currency. In this case US
>> curency
>> and not the pound, yen, baht or dong. Most school children know this.
> LOL at the irony of your string of comments on obvious typos. 1.23 cents
> is not a perfectly acceptable way to say $1.23. That would be 123 cents.
> You know what they warn about in glass houses.
Don't dance naked on a piano wearing a gorilla mask in your living room.
Ask squishie.
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