Seriously too hot for cooking!
"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Julie Bove wrote:
>> We hit 100 here today. We never see that number this early on. Once in
>> a
>> blue moon it might get close to that in Aug. but never now. My mom said
>> she
>> heard someone saying that we are going to wind up with weather like San
>> Diego. If that is true, something has to change.
> Yes. You will buy an air conditioner (or two) and figure out a way to
> install it. You have many health issues and are often homebound. No
> need for you to sit home suffering with broken swamp coolers all
> summer long and living uncomfortably. It will only get worse as you
> get older.
One AC wouldn't do much. Neither would two. If our weather does continue
to stay like this, I will look into something. I don't know what. Right
now my priority is getting the house painted and then getting a new deck.
The dry weather has dried the wood out so much that the nails are popping
out right and left and boards are falling off. I knew that it needed to be
replaced but now it's getting to be a hazard.
I also know that I'm not the only one in this situation. I know three
people who have AC here. A friend, my mom and my bro. Bro rarely uses his.
Mom has no choice. She's in an apartment and it comes with. Friend got a
super good deal on a portable unit where her husband works. She doesn't use
it often. AC is still not common here.
>> Got my hair cut the other day. Hairdresser has a shop at the side of her
>> unACed home. It's a newer home and quite fancy looking. She does have
>> AC
>> in the shop and she has used it. But not that day. Client before her
>> was
>> practically begging her to turn it on and she would not. Had my hair not
>> seriously needed a bang trim, I would have just left. It was miserable.
> A business that has AC and refuses to turn it on when it's so hot? The
> only reason to buy an
> AC if for the very hot days like that. Time to find a new hairdresser.
You just don't get it Gary. My prior hairdresser and the one prior to that
had *no* AC. It is just not that common here. Anywhere.