[PING] koko - Persian rice
On 2015-07-21 22:09:07 +0000, Dr. Edward Morbius said:
> On 7/21/2015 4:02 PM, gtr wrote:
>> On 2015-07-21 16:57:35 +0000, Dr. Edward Morbius said:
>>>> Agree and just to illustrate how badly drawing a line in the sands
>>>> went... many young immigrants deny being Iranian and insist they are
>>>> Persian. I can't blame them for that.
>>> I completely agree.
>>> That nation has legitimate upside, IF the Mullahs can be sent packing.
>> Yeah, if America could get rid of our Christian equivalent ("preachers")
>> might get some legitimacy too.
> Do our preachers run the political process?
> Um, no they don't.
Depends on what you consider "political process"; I find that political
block, evangelicals,certainly do have significant effects on what kind
of blabber and posturing politicians produce to get their votes and
support. I call that the political process.
> Hmmm...did our "preachers" threaten to "wipe Israel off the map"?
No, *some* prefer to wipe Iran off the map, or communist nations, or
whomever is the foe du jour. I might add, and this is really the point,
that "mullahs" as a generic category for any islamic "preacher" did not
threaten Israel as a group with map-wiping.
> Uh no, they didn't.
Ah--it was rhetorical question and therefore supposed to go unanswered. I see.
> So then WTF is your major mental malfunction?
Going personal so soon? I consider the wholesale summoning of all of
Islam an appeal to stupidity and political manipulation. Just as is all
of Christian "preachers" as in my example. I see only one side of that
finds offense.
> Or perhaps your idea of what "legitimacy" is may be wholly corrupt.
In future dealings, I'll strip your insults and work with whatever is left.