Seriously too hot for cooking!
"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 7/21/2015 4:30 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 7/20/2015 11:02 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> But hey, it was emergency! She needed her bangs trimmed! Yep, that's
>>>>> critical. Then she went to a place where the owner refused to turn on
>>>>> the AC despite all the paying customers complaining. Uh huh.
>>>> You sure like to twist things, Jill! As I said prior, the salon that I
>>>> used to go to had closed while I was out with my foot problem from last
>>>> year.
>>> Actually, what I don't understand is needing to go to a hairdresser to
>>> have your bangs trimmed. Ever heard of barber shears?
>> Yep. They are what led me to eventually cut my bangs off at the root.
>> I am not a hairdresser nor do I even pretend to be one. I am no good at
>> whatever and I prefer not to walk around looking like I cut my own
>> bangs. I just kept trying to even them out until there were none left.
> It's not anyone on RFC's fault you don't know how to trim your bangs.
> Sounds to me like you cut them off in a fit of pique. It wouldn't
> surprise me.
I don't even know what that means! I did mention the story here before.
I'd had an appointment at my old salon last year. Then the foot incident
happened. I cancelled the appointment. That time I had no choice but the
trim them myself or have Angela do it as I could not leave the house except
to go to the Dr. I did the trimming when I came home from the hospital,
still pumped full of whatever meds they gave me there. So probably not a
good idea.
I have also in the past attempted to trim them myself and I just can not do
it. I was not meant to cut hair. I also don't change the oil in my car.
If you want to cut your own hair, more power to you. I won't if I can help
it. That's why there are hairdressers. And I didn't just get my bangs
trimmed. I had an entire haircut. The bangs were just getting to be a
problem because they were in my eyes.