Thread: Tea Buzz?
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Mike Thadman
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RB Watts > wrote in message >.. .
> Okay, this may seem a little silly, but does anyone else experience a
> sort of high when drinking tea? Whenever I seem to drink a cup, I often
> experience a sort of buzz that is unlike any other intoxication. I
> become more alert, my mood changes favorably, the world seems better,
> and the experience approaches the euphoric. It is a mild effect, but is
> quite noticeable. I know what you may be thinking: it's the caffeine.
> However, soft drinks have no effect and coffee is way too overpowering.
> Also, the effects show up regardless of the caffeine content of the
> tea. Anyone else experience this? Any idea of what causes this? Is it
> purely psychosomatic, a placebo?

I get the same way. I think it's just due to the whole ritual which
allows me to slow down for a few minutes while I wait for my tea to
brew, and then once it's ready, I breathe in deeply the arome of the
tea and then take a nice slow sip. I think all of that contributes to
the natural high. But that's my take on it.Either way you aren't

Get high naturally with tea! hahaha