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Dr. Edward Morbius Dr. Edward Morbius is offline
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Default Grandpa's Favorite Foods

On 7/23/2015 5:48 AM, Gary wrote:
For a more detailed history of the Bush family going all the way back to
their Germanic roots and their support of Adolf Hitler’s war machine
(even after the U.S. entered WW II) go to my post, “Merchants of Death.”

The reason I do this periodic review of the Bush presidencies
(debaucheries) is to hopefully impress upon my readers the dangers of
allowing corrupt, selfish and radical elites to control global economics
and political processes.

A good example of this would be George Bush, Jr.’s testy response to
criticism of his policies and military aggression in Iraq and
Afghanistan after 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq, even though no evidence
existed they were responsible or had weapons of mass destruction. In
fact, Saddam Hussein believed he had Washington’s permission to invade
Kuwait, the sole reason for Desert Storm, based on assurances by George
H. W. Bush, then Vice President, who traveled to Iraq to meet with
Saddam. All historical fact, reader.

To paraphrase “W’s” sentiments, “You are either with us or against us.”

That statement by itself is a negation, repudiation of independent
thought and freedom of speech. He, in essence is saying, “It’s my way or
the highway.” Little Georgie Bush or GW made that statement with total
contempt and conviction. It is consistent with the attitude and feelings
of an impulsive dictatorial leader, the type of national leader which
still exist today in many underdeveloped regions like Africa and Asia,
but were the rule instead of the exception during the Middle Ages,
particularly in Europe during the Dark Ages, when kings and queens ruled
and lived in castles.