On 7/23/2015 5:24 AM, Ophelia wrote:
Conservatives seem to not quite understand that the Declaration of
Independence and the Constitution are two completely different things.
The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson. The
Constitution was put together by many different individuals and it
essentially creates our government and lists the rights of its citizens.
Granted, the Declaration of Independence does say, “We hold these truths
to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator..” with “creator” referring to some form of
God. But, again, this document has nothing to do with our Constitutional
rights. Our Constitution has exactly zero mentions of God, Jesus,
Christians or Christianity. In fact, the First Amendment clearly states
that we’re given the freedom of religion. It also says Congress can’t
make any laws based on religious beliefs.
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