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Dr. Edward Morbius Dr. Edward Morbius is offline
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Posts: 297
Default [PING] koko - Persian rice

On 7/22/2015 5:40 PM, gtr wrote:
> On 2015-07-22 03:59:23 +0000, Dr. Edward Morbius said:
>>>>> So then WTF is your major mental malfunction?
>>>> Going personal so soon?
>>> No time better than the present.

>> Welcome to the killfile.

> A final note, now that your id is pasted in the file.

That's precisely how disingenuous those who deploy petty kill files are.

You can't possibly resist coming back for one more round, dipshit.

> Whether Iran can manage to cobble together a few nuclear warheads while
> crippled by sanctions or whether they have to wait another 10-15 years
> to pick up where they left off is of no importance to me.

Of course not.

In fact you pre-load that statement with your own shockingly naive

They're going to have 100 billion $$$ in assets unlocked and are under
NO onus of inspection for military facilities - just "civilian"
enrichment locations.

Now how's THAT going to work out, eh dimwit?

> The basic reason why is this: Iran is never going to drop the bomb on
> Israel,

I'm NEVER going to take your word on that, moron.

> if they did they would be annihilating one of the politically
> holiest of political holy lands: Palestine.

Has ISIL cared much for regional holiness?


> They'd wipe out what is left
> of the Palestinian people, and ensure that millions of the dispossessed
> can never return to their homeland.

And they're doing so much for them right now, eh?

> They'd also foul the environment in
> Syria, Jordan and Egypt for a generation or two.

Like they care?

> What a looney idea to
> think they would do that. Oh but they're *crazy*, right? REAL crazy!!

Yes - as verbalized on the national stage:

Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, who leads the Basij volunteer
force, made the declaration to mark Islamic Republic Day in Tehran on

“Wiping Israel off the map is not up for negotiation,” he said according
to Kol Yisrael radio.

Mr Netanyahu responded today by calling Iran's regime "murderous" and
condemning any deal over its nuclear capabilities.

“Yesterday an Iranian official said that Israel's destruction is
non-negotiable,” he said, according to the Jerusalem Post.

“However, giving Iran's murderous regime the bomb is negotiable. This is

“Iran is accelerating its campaign of terror and conquest throughout
region, most recently in Yemen."

Iran has been accused of supporting the Houthi rebels fighting Yemen’s
government, meaning it is effectively part of a proxy war with Saudi
Arabia and its allies.

Iran's new president created a sense of outrage in the west yesterday by
describing Israel as a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the
face of the earth". Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who is more hardline than his
predecessor, told students in Tehran that a new wave of Palestinian
attacks would be enough to finish off Israel.

The populist leader's comments [See footnote], reported by the state-run
media, come at a time when Tehran is under pressure over its suspect
nuclear weapons ambitions and alleged involvement in attacks on British
troops in Iraq.

He said: "Anybody who recognises Israel will burn in the fire of the
Islamic nation's fury, [while] any [Islamic leader] who recognises the
Zionist regime means he is acknowledging the surrender and defeat of the
Islamic world." He was addressing a conference titled The World Without

> So very very crazy that we need to sign many more billion-dollar
> contracts with manufacturers of bombs, tanks, planes and anything
> Halliburton makes.

You stuttering simpleton!

Halliburton does not make bombs, tanks, or airplanes.

They produce...wait for it...OIL!

What kind of minute rube are you anyway?!?!?

> We have all the money in the world to give to
> industrialists if we're all real scared of crazy crazy Mooslims! Hell--I
> think there's one at my door right now!! Even if there isn't, I should
> go buy 3 or 4 more handguns, right? So they can rust with the rest.

Hyperbolic rhetorical nuttery, you haven't a rational bone in your
invertebrate body.

> Twenty years ago it was a communist at my front door,


> and 60 years
> before that it was Italian anarchists--

What, you grew up in Italy?

> and four two centuries urban
> black predators were outside all my windows.

Did you live in Watts or Culver City?

> So these are some of the ideas that I'd be interested in discussing, but
> when people can't corral their logical thinking in there ahead of their
> emotional thinking, when they can't subvert their emotional anguish to
> the utility of their rhetorical purpose... well, what the hell, I
> already have radio.

And it appears to have brainwashed you into a walking talking lying
sound bite.

But what a nice armada of straw man you set in your duck pond - anything
to reduce topical fealty.

Typical of you lot.

> You can be sure that an argument that is punctuated by personal
> invective is a marker that the speaker doesn't want to discuss anything,
> he wants to trade talking/thinking for fighting and noise as quick as
> possible; it's so much easier.

And yet I HAVE discussed.

YOU, OTOH, steadfastly refused to quantify your terms, even when pressed
multiple times.

Remember: "political process"???

Now you want a get out of jail card based upon my colorful prose.


Not happening.

> The recitation of the daily
> "conservative" agitprop isn't just about propaganda and bogus arguments,
> it's also about *agitation*. Agitation is the most important part.

And what is the recitation of this surrender-monkey libitarded pabulum
you spew forth meant to serve as?

A prelude to a complicit entry to WW3?!?!?

You fools will get us ALL killed.

> Get a good night's sleep. Everything will be just the same tomorrow.

Be an ostrich, just keep your inarticulate beakhole shut here.
