Costco Skipjack Tuna
On Thu, 23 Jul 2015 06:16:35 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:
>On Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 8:48:46 AM UTC-4, Nancy2 wrote:
>> Ds and Cheri, a wise man once told me to worry only about things we can change. We are
>> allotted a certain number of worries in our lives, and when we run out, we die. So that is my
>> philosophy. I worry only about things I can change.
>> N.
>On the other hand, actor Jeremy Piven allegedly ingested toxic
>(but not fatal) levels of mercury by eating sushi twice a day
>for some extended period of time. I don't know if that story
>was proved false, but it was in the news about 3-5 years ago.
>Moderation is key.
>Cindy Hamilton
It has not proven false, but, yes, moderation is the answer.
Piven reported eating sushi twice a day for 20 years - way, way, way
beyond what is typical. AND the kinds of fish he preferred may be part
of it, too. Blue fin, for example, is towards the top of its food
chain so it would contain more mercury. Shark and swordfish are also
collectors, although less likely to be eaten as sushi.
Mercury accumulation is of particular concern to pregnant women or
those planning pregnancies, and to children.