Seriously too hot for cooking!
gtr wrote:
> On 2015-07-20 01:36:38 +0000, Julie Bove said:
> > We hit 100 here today. We never see that number this early on. Once
> > in a blue moon it might get close to that in Aug. but never now. My
> > mom said she heard someone saying that we are going to wind up with
> > weather like San Diego. If that is true, something has to change.
> I heard on the radio that here in SoCal we usually have 4 or 5 days a
> year over 100 degrees. But in the past few years it's been over 15
> days of it. And of course it's not the over-100 days but the high 90's
> days that surround them.
> In any case we had central heating and air installed last summer in
> preparation for the prediction provided on the radio blabber; that in
> 5-7 years there will be 40+ days a year over 100.
> Imagine how much worse it would be if global warming wasn't just a
> liberal hoax.
If you have even a few days a year with unbearable heat, it would be
worth having at least a small window ac available. Off season, they
only cost about $100 and can cool down a bedroom at least for some
relief. I've lived through days of no ac when it was really needed
back when I was young. Never again.