Hungary and Paprika
On 7/25/2015 8:54 AM, dejamos wrote:
> On 7/24/2015 12:14 PM, gtr wrote:
>> . . .
>> In any case I've always found the smoked paprika really interesting to
>> smell, and assume no difficulties with the taste, but have yet to find a
>> place to actually use it.
> I saute fresh corn cut from the cob in butter until just heated through,
> then season to taste and add a sprinkle of the smoked paprika. I have
> also used it with great success in curried potato-based dishes. But I
> use it in small amounts so that it is not overpowering.
I'm not a huge fan of paprika but some dishes are definitely accented by
a small amount. I agree, don't over-do it. Use sparingly. When
possible, taste (if you use it in a sauce or soup) to see if you need to
add a little more.