I've heard of devil's food cake ...
On Sat, 25 Jul 2015 12:10:35 -0400, Gary > wrote:
> sf wrote:
> >
> > Kalmia wrote:
> > > I have a neighbor NOW who has no mailbox, so you see him sneaking his outgoing mail into someone else's box. He swings by the PO about thrice/wk. PITA.
> >
> > Whoa! That take brass balls. If I found some stranger's mail in my
> > box for pickup without my permission, it would go into the round file.
> Messing with US mail is a federal offense...serious too. Throw out
> your neighbors mail and get caught and your mean ass might just get
> thrown into a federal prison for a bit. At least a hefty fine.
I'm not messing with any US mail because it hasn't been in the system
yet. He would be trespassing on my land and putting garbage in MY
mailbox, so I can treat it like the garbage it is.