On 7/25/2015 6:27 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On 7/25/2015 7:23 AM, Gary wrote:
>> For those of you here that like spam. I do occasionally. I'll eat a
>> can maybe 2-3 times a year. I've never cooked it or used it in a
>> recipe. For me it's just sliced spam on white bread with mayo. Just
>> a sandwich or two with salty chips. It's a nice snack.
>> I noticed this morning that they offer other spam options. Turkey
>> Spam, Jalapeno Spam and Teriyaki Spam.
>> Just wondering - has any spam likers here ever tried these other
>> flavors? What's your opinion of them. I think I did try the turkey
>> one years ago but I forget my opinion. Obviously, it didn't impress me
>> too much.
>> G.
> The bacon flavor Spam is pretty good. You can cut it thin and fry it
> crisp like bacon. The chorizo flavor ain't too bad - if you like cumin
> flavored Spam. I'll have to try the Portuguese sausage Spam. These are
> great times for Spam lovers. They ought to make some kim chee and
> pineapple flavors.
Those are both excellent suggestions!
I'm back to frying a slice now and then for breakfast - all YOUR fault
btw, and thank you very much!