cauliflower rice
On Sat, 25 Jul 2015 17:22:27 -0400, jmcquown >
>I do see people jumping on food fad bandwagons. Lately it's yogurt.
>The ads are all over television. Can't get away from ads about how good
>and good for you! yogurt is. I've lived 55 years without eating yogurt.
> I reckon I can survive however long I have left without it, too.
>I sometimes cook with plain yogurt. It's a good sub if you don't have
>sour cream but I have to go out of my way or be cooking something
>specific before I buy it. No, I don't want to eat tubs of it.
I've never cared for yogurt. I don't like the tartness of it. I don't
see the point of eating the sweetened and fruit-flavoured stuff, so I
don't bother with it at all.
If I have a recipe that I want to make that calls for yogurt, I might
buy a little container of it - you can get single-serve tubs of plain
6% fat yogurt here - but usually I'll substitute sour cream, which I
generally have on hand.