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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Spam question...

Sqwertz wrote:
> Turkey SPAM is the least offensive of them all. The other newer
> flavors, almost all of them contain mechanically separated chicken
> sludge.

What do you think about the Spam with bacon.
I would think that should be the best other than original.

> You should be pan frying all your SPAMS except for the original.

I'll keep that in mind. I was going to buy the low sodium this morning
but they were out...evidently a popular kind. Last time I bought the
original, I noticed just how salty it tasted.

Anyway, thanks Steve for you input and to all others that responded

PS-no bacon or low-sodium SPAM this morning so I bought a little can
of Armour potted meat. From what I remember, that's pretty heavily
salted too but will work on a sandwich with swiss cheese.
