Spam question...
On Sat, 25 Jul 2015 22:30:06 -0700, "Cheri" >
>"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
.. .
>> I've tried all the Spams, didn't like any of them, not even the low
>> salt one... I only like the original Spam. I've noticed the original
>> Spam is not always available, mostly the stores carry only the low
>> salt version, but I refuse to buy it. I like Spam all different ways,
>> very good fried with eggs and potatoes, but mostly I eat it sliced in
>> sandwiches but with mustard, for some reason I don't like Spam with
>> mayo.... Spam with mayo is like tube steak with mayo, not good,
>> actually repulsive.
>Same here with the flavored, and I don't like the low sodium, so just
>original Spam for me too.
The low sodium is 25% less salt of a salty food so I don't feel it's
worth it not to enjoy the product, the low sodium just doesn't taste
right. Their Lite verion is also 25% less sodium but contains 50%
less fat, it's a disgusting product, smells weird and the texture
looks like Kennel Ration, it won't slice, just falls apart like pet
food. I'll stay with the original and when I want versions I make my
own by the recipe I use... diced Spam sauted with onions and bell
peppers is very good as is, over rice/pasta, or as an omelet, even
with Velveeta. I like Velveeta, I like Cheez Whiz too. American
cheeze is also good for a Spam Cheeseburger. I like many kinds of
cheese but I detest cheddar, the taste gives me the willys/shivers.