Fall Shawl - Acorns & Leaves
On 7/27/2015 3:10 AM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
Perhaps Bush shares the same views as his wife Barbara, who told ABC's
"Good Morning America" on March 18, 2003 "Why should we hear about body
bags and deaths? Oh, I mean, it's not relevant. So why should I waste my
beautiful mind on something like that?" In December 2011, current
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who was formerly the CIA Director,
similarly said that the systematic slaughter of 1.5 million Iraqis and
the destruction of their nation was also "worth it": "As difficult as
[the Iraq invasion and occupation] was, and the cost in both American
and Iraqi lives, "I think the price has been worth it, to establish a
stable government in a very important region of the world".
There are no photos of George H.W. Bush at his Masonic Yale Skulll and
Bones 'tomb' which admitedly has skeletins of dead human babies hanging
on the walls: "Dozens of skeletons and skulls, human and animal, dangle
from the walls, on which German and Latin phrases have been chiseled
("Whether poor or rich, all are equal in death") [Skull & Bones Society
- A rare look inside Skull and Bones, the Yale secret society by
Alexandra Robbins. See alsoCremationofcare skull & bones archive and
Bilderberg.org for more details on this matter.]
Bush's father Prescott, the Nazi financier, and his son, George W. Bush,
were also both members of Skull and Bones. In his autobiography, George
W. Bush wrote "My senior year (at Yale University) I joined Skull and
Bones, a secret society ... so secret, I can't say anything more."
[White House 'Bonesman' leads nation into the dark USATODAY 9/25/02.] In
2004 both George W. Bush and his cousin John Kerry laughed about the
secrecy of their Skull and Bones memberships in separate TV interviews