Spam question...
On 7/27/2015 5:41 AM, Cheri wrote:
> The only way to know if you like sex with children is to try it, let us know
> what you think, I have my opinion of it which is great and
> you might really like it.
> Cheri
Jeb Bush lobbies the Department of Health & Human Services on behalf of
Cuban--American businessman Miguel Recarey, Jr., whose medical firm,
IMC, later collapses. Recarey, who was close to mobster Santos
Trafficante and the contras, later disappears with at least $12 million
in federal funds.
George Bush takes part in meetings to plan increased "third country" aid
to the Contras..
CIA mines Nicaraguan harbors.
Spectrum 7 Corporation, an Ohio oil exploration outfit owned by Dubya's
Yalie pal William DeWitt Jr., buys out Bush Exploration, setting up
young Bush as CEO at $75,000 a year and giving him 1.1 million shares of
the firm's stock. The company's fortunes soon sink, with $400,000 in
losses and a debt of $3 million.