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Troll Disposal Service[_2_] Troll Disposal Service[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 563
Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 7/6/2015 1:45 AM, Cheri wrote:
> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 7/5/2015 8:12 AM, Bryan-TGWWW wrote:

>>> At that time, under those circumstances, I would have welcomed a plate
>>> of Carol's ketchup spaghetti sauce.

>> And you have since morphed into an elitist that criticizes other
>> people use of store bought mayonnaise.

> And just about zip else for that matter. ****.
> Cheri

Stew Webb, is one of VT’s contributors and the author of this pedophile
ring article, “George H. W. Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of
Congress,” was a former globalist elite through marriage, that elite
going by many names such as the Cabal, Masons, Jesuits, NWO and the
Illuminati bloodline families, six of which dominate global politics,
the Rothschilds being among the most influential. If you are not born
into royalty, you are nobody. If you wonder why Congress is so
ineffective against the Executive Branch of government, you need to
study the “honey pot” strategies of blackmailers.

A unique aspect of this on-line journal (VT) is its intricate network of
government insiders (aka, informants) that share sensitive information
on past and future black operations that are contrary to our
constitutional form of government (no longer, reader) or the common good.

If you read it in Veterans Today you can be assured the information has
more than a kernel of truth, if not right on target as they are not
opinions but information from trusted sources in government and the
secret societies.