I've heard of devil's food cake ...
On 7/27/2015 1:11 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
Not unlike a virus, each generation has produced a deadlier strain of
Bush. George W. Bush's grandfather was Prescott Bush. He became his
father-in-law's heir apparent at the merged firm of Brown Brothers
Harriman. Prescott Bush handled the "German work" for Brown Brothers in
the 1930s, raking in a fortune by rearming Hitler's Germany.
Brown Brothers set the pace for a 49 percent increase in U.S. investment
in Germany during the 1930s--while investments declined throughout the
rest of Europe. But this profiteering in the country that would become a
U.S. enemy during the Second World War didn't prevent Prescott from
sitting on two boards that "covertly" provided material for the
Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb, from which he sold the
atomic secrets to the Soviets.