Kids in restaurants... something to thing about
On 7/27/2015 3:00 PM, notbob wrote:
ONE BUSH after another has attended Yale University, and each one has
been a member of the elite and highly secretive Skull and Bones society.
Fifteen Yale students--overwhelmingly men--are chosen every year. They
come from "the best families" and are meant to stay connected in
business and social circles throughout their lives.
Skull and Bones is fodder for conspiracy theorists alarmed that a
"secret society" could claim so many of the country's elite. Look at the
society's creepy practices, and you can understand why.
Initiates into Skull and Bones are brought into the "tomb," a dark,
windowless crypt in New Haven, with a roof that serves as a landing pad
for the society's private helicopter. They are sworn to silence and told
that they must forever deny that they are members.
During initiation, the juniors wrestle in mud and are physically
beaten--to represent their "death" to the world as they have known it.
Then the initiates are given a new name as a member of "The Order." At
this point, the new members are introduced to the artifacts kept in the
tomb--which include Nazi memorabilia, such as a set of Hitler's
silverware, dozens of skulls, and an assortment of coffins and skeletons.
Skull and Bones was the foundation of the OSS spy agency. There were so
many secrety society members in the OSS that Yale's drinking tune--the
"Whiffenpoof Song," --became the agency's "unofficial" song as well.