Kids in restaurants... something to thing about
On 27/07/2015 6:49 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2015-07-27 7:24 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
>> We didn't go out to restaurants very often, but the idea that we'd
>> run around raising a ruckus is laughable. I don't remember being
>> taught restaurant manners, but my brothers and I knew we'd better
>> behave.
> Nor did we. It was for special occasions only. We weren't angels, but at
> home we always ate in the dining room and we expected to behave at the
> table.
>> In the paper yesterday, they had a bunch of people commenting about
>> that recent incident where a diner owner got fed up with a noisy kid and
>> yelled at him/her to shut up. I was kind of surprised that most
>> people sided with the restaurant owner, even the ones who disagreed
>> did say they would have taken the child out before it got to that point.
> I am not at all surprised that the comments sided with the owner. The
> parents should have dealt with it.The self entitled twit went to social
> media to smear the restaurant and it backfired.
> There was a sort of similar incident in a small town in Ontario around
> the same time. A woman claimed that she got kicked out of a restaurant
> for breast feeding. The restaurant claimed she was kicked out for being
> rowdy and arguing with other diners. She started a social media
> campaign to blackball the restaurant and indignant commenters claimed
> they were going to boycott the restaurant.
> It was interesting to note how the story kept changing. First it was her
> and a friend who got kicked out. Later on it was just her and her friend
> showed up later and went in to verify that she had been kicked out for
> breast feeding. One person commenting claimed to have been there and
> backed the mother's initial story, though that one changed.
> The nursing mother was not even really a customer. She was sitting at a
> table in the middle of the patio nursing her child. She had been offered
> a menu, declined to order food or beverages, even turned down an offer
> of a free bottle of water.
> Seriously. Who takes a nursing baby into an Irish pub and expects to sit
> there breast feeding? Fer fryin out loud.... it is a bar. The whole
> story stinks.
Dave, did you hear the interview with that singer who had been turfed
off the aircraft because of the behaviour of her 2 yr old? Talk about
spin! She left out the bit about not putting the seatbelt on the little