I've heard of devil's food cake ...
On 7/27/2015 10:33 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Monday, July 27, 2015 at 10:17:24 AM UTC-4, jmcquown wrote:
>> Again, what's the big deal? It's an outgoing letter with postage on it.
>> Who does it hurt? Surely there are better things to worry about.
> If I had a mailbox affixed to my house and my cheap-ass neighbor
> was putting his outgoing mail in it, I'd be creeped out that he
> was coming onto my property.
That would be different.
(Didn't I read upthread that the guy goes to his P.O. box multiple times
a week anyway?)
That is what was said. We don't know the backstory. Maybe he needed to
mail something right away and didn't have a way to get to the post
office at the time.
> My bubble
> starts at the property line, and only Fedex and UPS, my friends
> (if they've called ahead), and police and firefighters
> are welcome. Luckily, my mailbox is at the road.
> Cindy Hamilton
My mailbox is across the street from my driveway. I wouldn't freak out
if someone put some outgoing mail in my box. It's not as though it
costs me anything for someone else to mail a letter using my mailbox.