On 7/27/2015 11:44 AM, MaryL wrote:
> On 7/27/2015 10:16 AM, wrote:
>> On Mon, 27 Jul 2015 08:43:08 -0600, graham > wrote:
>>> Dave, did you hear the interview with that singer who had been turfed
>>> off the aircraft because of the behaviour of her 2 yr old? Talk about
>>> spin! She left out the bit about not putting the seatbelt on the little
>>> blighter!
>>> Graham
>> I thought it was hilarious, I hoped she learned a lesson that if she
>> won't control her kid it may end up being very inconvenient for her.
>> Aircraft are another bad place. One time going to the UK there was a
>> kid behind me. Parents looked to be about 40 and kid around 2. She
>> clearly had never been told no and when the crew said to her parents
>> she must sit down and not run up and down the aisles, she started to
>> shriek. It was unbelievable. She kept it up for a couple of hours
>> when the crew asked the father to pick her up and walk her around and
>> thankfully she then went to sleep.
>> I was sitting next to a young man going over to uni in the UK. When
>> we were leaving, the kid had started up again, I said to him she might
>> be the biggest commercial for condoms. He agreed.
>> ---
> My sister's niece has four very young children, and she and her
> husband take them on a great many airplane trips. She said they get
> some "dirty looks" from other passengers when they board the plane with
> four youngsters, but they often get grateful comments when they exit.
> Each parent sits with two children, and they take great care to keep the
> children entertained and quiet.
> MaryL
It was years ago but I was flying to SC to visit my parents. Likely
around 1990. There was a young boy seated behind me and he kept kicking
the back of the seat. Annoyed backward glances didn't register with the
parents. I was about to say something to them when the young man
sitting next to me said, "I see you're having a problem. I'll gladly
trade trade seats with you." The minute the boy started kicking the
seat again he turned around and said loudly to the boy, STOP! The child
stopped kicking the back of the plane seat.
The parents were apparently oblivious. How you can tune that behaviour
out is a mystery.