Kids in restaurants... something to thing about
On 2015-07-27 12:59 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> It was years ago but I was flying to SC to visit my parents. Likely
> around 1990. There was a young boy seated behind me and he kept kicking
> the back of the seat. Annoyed backward glances didn't register with the
> parents. I was about to say something to them when the young man
> sitting next to me said, "I see you're having a problem. I'll gladly
> trade trade seats with you." The minute the boy started kicking the
> seat again he turned around and said loudly to the boy, STOP! The child
> stopped kicking the back of the plane seat.
> The parents were apparently oblivious. How you can tune that behaviour
> out is a mystery.
The parents probably got upset that someone dared to deal with their
kid. I wonder about the reaction of a mother whose kid I spoke at a few
years ago. A mother was having a hard time dealing with her kid. He was
jumping up and town and crying and screaming. It would have been bad
enough from a three year old but this kid was about 12. I spoke in a
very loud voice "Stop whining". He stopped and looked a little stunned.
The mother should have been grateful, but you know what some parents
are like these days. I was probably the bully who verbally assaulted her
child and who has ADHD. autiism, PTSD or something that they use as an
excuse for him being a childish brat.