Kids in restaurants... something to thing about
On 27/07/2015 11:25 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2015-07-27 9:07 AM, sf wrote:
>> Old farts who don't want to see children in the room should keep that
>> in mind and choose their restaurants wisely.
> How wise are the required to be when the go to a place that is obviously
> designed for adult diners and someone shows up with a toddler.
> It is curious that some of this conversation has been widened to include
> older children. An older kid would have to be behaving pretty badly to
> be disruptive in a restaurant. Toddlers and infants can be disruptive
> just by doing what kids that age do.... crying.
> Just thinking about a family sitting in a nearby booth at a restaurant
> we ate in about a year ago. The teenage kids weren't loud or
> disruptive, but they were a study in bad manners. The mother looked like
> she had just come from work that likely involved a brass pole. The
> teenage daughter was texting or talking on her cell phone all through
> dinner. Father and son both had ball caps on... backwards. Gym rat
> father was always posed in some position to flex and show off his
> muscles. None of them knew how to hold a knife and fork. At least they
> weren't rowdy and disruptive.
I bet they ate with their mouths open as well!