I've heard of devil's food cake ...
On 7/28/2015 7:36 AM, jmcquown wrote:
should you believe Bush's new found compassion? Should you believe any
of the Bush family, no matter what they say? Would you ever believe a
criminal's word? How about an entire family of criminals?
Remember his daddy's "Kinder and Gentler Nation"? Did any of you notice
any improvement in the treatment of those who the Republicans are so
fond of reviling; the poor and single women and working women and
children and the elderly and the disabled? Nope, neither did I. Do you
believe for a moment that sonny boy has any intention of actually doing
anything but just mouthing those words until election day and then
falling back into the mean spirited, hateful, despicable ways of all
Republican politicians? Nope, neither do I.
Okay, let's spend a few minutes doing what the corporately owned media
has no intention of doing; factually looking at the criminal record that
the entire Bush family has loosed upon America and her citizens. History
is a far better indicator of a person's future actions than any
ludicrous promises or political platforms during an election. Careful,
though, this type of honest examination that always precedes the usual
death threats and taunts of "liar, liar, pants on fire." As Mort Sahl
once said about Ronald Reagan, "When I quote him, I'm accused of
slandering him."
Let's begin with George W. Bush, Sr., shall we?
Just to refresh your memory, it was Bush who, during his failed 1980 run
for the Presidency, labeled Reagan's twisted "Trickle Down Theory" as
"voodoo economics" and then, once chosen as the feeble-minded old man's
running mate, spent the next twelve years pretending to accept the lie.
It was during his successful 1988 Presidential campaign that he
proclaimed "Read my lips! No new taxes!" but, well, you get the picture.
Many records have come to light since the Iran-Contra hearings that
strongly support the accusation that then Vice-President Bush was not
"Out of the loop", as he repeatedly claimed, but was fully aware of the
illegal arms shipments to Iran and also of the drugs that were being
imported into the poorest neighborhoods in America by the terrorists he
and Reagan were illegally supporting in Nicaragua. The world will never
know the truth, of course, because one of Bush's last acts as President
was to pardon everyone related to these high crimes and misdemeanors.
There has also been reports that he was protecting major drug dealers in
the Mideast who were also acting as informants. These dealers were
passing on military and political information regarding such nations as
Syria and Iraq in exchange for that protection.
It has long been known that it was at Bush's request that Brett
Kimberlin, a convicted small time drug dealer, was placed in solitary
confinement for the entire 1988 presidential election cycle. Why such a
harsh punishment for such a small time crook? Because Kimberlin had
stated in an NBC interview that he had been the source for the monthly
marijuana purchases of one Dan Quayle and that he had made Quayle and
his new blushing, conservative bride, Marilyn, a wedding present of
hashish and marijuana which, it goes without saying, was consumed and
not reported to the local police.
Finally, there was once evidence that George Bush may have been the
celebrated "Deep-Throat" of Watergate fame. That evidence, however, has
long since been destroyed. (1)
The boys of the Bush family have some truly dirty laundry, as well.
Beginning with John "Jeb" Bush, now governor of Florida, we find that he
assisted Miguel Recarey, a fugitive now living in Spain, to steal over
$200 million from International Medical Centers, the HMO Recarey owned,
by using Jeb's father's influence to acquire a waiver for the HMO of the
standard rule of 50-50 (meaning that at least 50% of an HMO's clients
cannot be Medicare patients but must be full paying clients). This theft
left 150,000 elderly Americans without medical coverage. Oh, and by the
way, Recarey had paid Jeb Bush's company a $75,000 "real-estate
consultant fee". All totaled, Recarey embezzled over $1 billion in
Medicare funds through false billings and outright theft.