Kids in restaurants... something to thing about
On 2015-07-27 3:55 PM, tert in seattle wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
>> Just thinking about a family sitting in a nearby booth at a restaurant
>> we ate in about a year ago. The teenage kids weren't loud or
>> disruptive, but they were a study in bad manners. The mother looked like
>> she had just come from work that likely involved a brass pole. The
>> teenage daughter was texting or talking on her cell phone all through
>> dinner. Father and son both had ball caps on... backwards. Gym rat
>> father was always posed in some position to flex and show off his
>> muscles. None of them knew how to hold a knife and fork. At least they
>> weren't rowdy and disruptive.
> this sounds like the observations of someone whose judgy pants are at
> least two sizes too small
Don't worry. I did not intervene. I did not say anything. I even saved
them the scornful looks. The kids should have learned manners from the
parents. Those parents were not up to the task.