Spam question...
Sqwertz wrote:
>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> BJ's has Spam in three packs for less than $6, so less than $2 per 12
>> ounce can.
>BJ's only sells 6-packs of the 25% less sodium version.
I've seen SPAM sold in cases of 12 and 24 too. Each time I go to BJ's
I see items I usually buy packaged in various ways... I use Neutrogena
T/Gel shampoo, usually sold in 6 ounce bottles... last time I was at
BJ's I saw it in 16 ounce bottles in two packs and I bought it... each
bottle is in a cardboard box with a cellophane overwrap... I only
saved about $2 but odds are it won't be there next time and it's not
easy to find at local stores, but that much shampoo will last me 3-4
years. Different geographical areas sell products differently, I've
seen differences from store to store in the same area too, and stores
change how products are sold often, depends on availability from the
manufacturer/wholesaler. When I search for products on line at
Walmart not all products are sold in all stores, sometimes when I
change my home store I find the product in a nearby store... with some
products they are only sold at the store, others can be shipped to the
store for pick up, still others can only be purchased on line... and
this changes constantly. I'm down to my last can so I have Spam on my
shopping list but no guarantee BJ's will have original Spam next trip,
that's why when I see products I use I stock up... I only like
Original, they can have any other flavor for 10¢ a can and I won't buy
it. If BJ's doesn't have Original this trip I will buy a few cans at
the market in town but they charge about a buck more a can. Last time
I was at Walmart they didn't have Original either, probably the most
popular so sells out fast. I think the worst is Lite Spam, when I
tried it about 3/4 went into my yard for the critters... Lite Spam is
no different from pet food.