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Sal Paradise Sal Paradise is offline
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Default Kids in restaurants... something to thing about

On 7/28/2015 10:33 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
> On 7/28/2015 12:05 PM, wrote:
>> In grammar school we were lent our textbooks. I believe they got between
>> three and five years' use out of each one. We had to cover them to
>> prevent
>> their being marred, and of course we could not write in them. This
>> training
>> prevents me from writing in a book to this day.

> Ditto to all that. I wonder if kids still use brown paper bags
> to make covers. Probably not. Severe punishment ensued if you
> didn't cover the books or, heaven forbid, wrote in one. Between
> that and working at the public library part time all through
> high school, it goes against the grain to write in books. I might
> write a change in a cookbook but that's about it.
> Bugs me that people clearly think nothing of dogearing pages in
> library books. It's not your personal property, people.
> nancy

Libraries used to hand out place markers, or ask you use the card as such.

No more?