Kids in restaurants... something to thing about
On 7/28/2015 8:50 PM, DreadfulBitch wrote:
> On 7/28/2015 5:06 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> Recent incidents that have hit social media were not little things like
>> a baby crying for a moment, or a child uttering a sentence too loud.
>> They have been incidents where kids have carried out outrageously and
>> the parents did nothing to curb it.
> To this day (and I'm 63 years old) I'm still proud of the compliments
> Mom & Dad used to get about their 3 "well behaved children." I heard
> Mom tell her friends about the compliments and knowing how proud she was
> made me feel that much better!
> Since then I've tried to pass on those compliments to the
> parents/caretakers of children I observe with those "acceptable" table
> manners. There have been several occasions when I think my comments
> have really made a parents' day.
I have have a hard time believing anyone thinks misbehaving children are
a good idea.
We all know kids get cranky. That's not the same as being a parent who
simply ignores what they're doing.