"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> Someone in this house likes the little cans of pears to eat with cottage
> cheese. I normally buy them at Albertsons but two different stores were
> out. Totally out. They had other sizes of canned pears and the small
> cans of all other fruits. I remembered that I had bought some at Big
> Lots. I went there today and they did have them but in heavy syrup. The
> eater prefers in juice or light syrup. Other stores such as Walmart do
> not carry the little cans. Yes, I know I could buy other sized cans or
> the little plastic cups. And I have. But this person wants the little
> cans. Have you seen these in your area?
Pears in biog cans are great. Pears in little cans suck. Ewwwwwwwwww.
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