Canned pear shortage?
"l not -l" > wrote in message
> On 30-Jul-2015, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
>> Someone in this house likes the little cans of pears to eat with cottage
>> cheese. I normally buy them at Albertsons but two different stores were
>> out. Totally out. They had other sizes of canned pears and the small
>> cans
>> of all other fruits. I remembered that I had bought some at Big Lots. I
>> went there today and they did have them but in heavy syrup. The eater
>> prefers in juice or light syrup. Other stores such as Walmart do not
>> carry
>> the little cans. Yes, I know I could buy other sized cans or the little
>> plastic cups. And I have. But this person wants the little cans. Have
>> you
>> seen these in your area?
> I cannot speak for other brands; but, DelMonte pear varieties are
> available
> in snack size (8.25 oz) cans as well as the traditional size (14.5 oz)
> cans.
> The stores I frequent do not carry all the pear varieties in the snack
> size, usually they have Heavy Syrup, No-Sugar Added and either Lite or 100
> Calorie cans;but not both. The snack size cans, IIRC, are chunks vs
> slices
> or halves found in the larger cans.
> I don't buy the snack size, they are ridiculously expensive compared to
> the
> 14.5 oz can and ecologically illogical if you are going to eat more than
> one
> in the course of a week. For me, half a standard size can is a reasonable
> serving and the remaining half keeps my 1970s Tupperware paying dividends,
> economically and ecologically. 8-)
Thanks! I usually stock up when they are on sale. And a large can would
just be a waste of money in this house as they are eaten sporadically. It
would be like when I was a kid. Open a can of pears, put the rest in the
fridge and by the time you want them again, they are moldy. Plus my fridge
is so small that I don't like using it for leftovers that may not be eaten.