Canned pear shortage?
On Thu, 30 Jul 2015 17:42:30 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:
>"Paul M. Cook" > wrote in message
>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Someone in this house likes the little cans of pears to eat with cottage
>>> cheese. I normally buy them at Albertsons but two different stores were
>>> out. Totally out. They had other sizes of canned pears and the small
>>> cans of all other fruits. I remembered that I had bought some at Big
>>> Lots. I went there today and they did have them but in heavy syrup. The
>>> eater prefers in juice or light syrup. Other stores such as Walmart do
>>> not carry the little cans. Yes, I know I could buy other sized cans or
>>> the little plastic cups. And I have. But this person wants the little
>>> cans. Have you seen these in your area?
>> Pears in biog cans are great. Pears in little cans suck. Ewwwwwwwwww.
>Did anyone here ever stop to think that the cans might be going elsewhere?
>To a place where it is far easier to dispose of a can than it is to rinse
>out and bring home a container? No. I guess they did not.
>For crying out loud. Obviously nobody here knows. So why bother replying?
You're the one who made the post so all replies are valid... you don't
have to like the replies but this is Usenet so tough titty. Tell her
to stuff a seckel into each of her bra cups, in a few days they will
be ripe and juicy, her seckels will be ready to suckle.